The Importance Of Windows Updates | And why you need to install them ... |
POSTED BY PAUL MEAD ON 17/09/2018 @ 8:00AM
Windows Update is something that just happens and it can be quite annoying when the message box pops up to ask if you're ready to install them or whether you want to delay it ...
There are many evil-doers on the internet so install your Windows Updates! copyright: nomadsoul1 / 123rf
And a lot of computer users just delay and delay and delay the updates so they never get installed. This is a very dangerous game to play and a huge security risk.
"There are many threats out there on the internet!"
Hackers, malware, and ransomware to name, but a few. They exploit security holes in operating systems and, although few and far between, these issues can cause massive damage to your computers, your business and your reputation.
It's more a lack of awareness that puts users off from installing Windows Updates. They're busy, they've got deadlines, they're under pressure from the boss. But the longer they delay installing these vital security fixes, the more at risk their computer becomes as more and more evil-doers hear about them.
So, I tell all of my clients, big and small, how important it is to install Windows Updates when they appear. Save your work, click the 'restart now', button, go and make a cup of tea and when you come back, it should be done.
And if you have many users in your business, make sure they're all aware of the importance of Windows Updates and that installing them during the working day is acceptable.
To finish this week, I thought I'd let you know of a great testimonial we received from one of our customers, Rachel:
''Ok, so IT has never exactly been my forte, which may explain why 1 new anti-virus update and 100 (yes really) Windows Updates later, my PC is back online.
My day had kinda been hijacked by this, so a huge thanks go to Paul Mead of Silicon Bullet for his time and patience. High services come very highly recommended!''
If you'd like to find out more about Windows Update and how you can educate your users to install them, or if you've got a problem with your PC and need some help, then do give me a call on 01604 420057 or click here to ping me an email and let's see how I can help you.
Until next time PAUL MEAD
More about Paul Mead ... |  | Paul is that rare type of IT geek that speaks plain English. Having played with computers all his life, starting with a ZX81, doing an IT degree, then working in IT support, Paul has managed to make his hobby his career.
He is often known to explain processes to clients using analogies like sock drawers and vehicle MOT’s to get difficult concepts over in easy to understand ways.
Paul is often seen running round Salcey Forest and participating in Triathlons when he isn’t glued to his desk.
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