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A highly experienced bookkeeping training and IT services team that will go the extra mile

Sage 50cloud Accounts v28.1 Now Released

Some interesting new features too ...

POSTED BY ALISON MEAD ON 20/06/2022 @ 9:00AM

#Sage50cloud #NewVersion #Bookkeeping #Accounting #Training #UK

First though, a warning: if you use Sage50 Manufacturing or Sage Job Costing do not, under any circumstances, install this update. There is a Sage Knowledgebase article explaining why you can read by clicking here ...

Sage 50cloud Accounts v28.1 Now Released!

Sage 50cloud Accounts v28.1 Now Released!

copyright: kantver / 123rf

So, what are the new Features in Sage V28.1?

  • Paste Multi Line Addresses - This is my favourite new feature and looked fabulous on the new features webinar I saw - you can copy an address in a line separated by commas or in some other formats too and Sage will paste it into the address fields intelligently for you - even recognising the postcode

  • Read Only Access User Type

  • Set Payments due on Contact Records - if you have a payment due value of Zero it might be that there is no set payment term in place, or it could be that payment is due immediately - so you now have the option of marking accounts as having payment due on invoice

  • Marking an invoice as disputed in the batch entry screen instead of having to post then mark them separately - you may want to enter a disputed invoice to keep records up to date, but flag it so it isn't paid while you resolve the dispute

  • Import grouped audit trail transactions

  • Open more than one company simultaneously - this is a game changer if you bookkeep for a group of companies and a long overdue feature in my opinion

  • Dashboard enhancements including 5 new widgets

  • A new Data Management feature to support you in your good housekeeping of the data - tools to support you in archiving and deleting old data when your data set it getting large. - keep your eye out for a future post just about this as reviewing and removing old data is something I highly recommend doing at least annually

  • Compliance updates for Intrastat and VAT

  • Remote Data Access improvements

To see the full list of the new features and links to how to access them and what they do then you can view the Sage 50cloud accounts v28.1 new features guide in the Sage's knowledgebase.

If you need any help or support in upgrading your Sage 50cloud to the new version, or want support in accessing and using the new features, then please do get in touch.

Until next time ...

I'm your Bookkeeping Buddy: Discover more by clicking here!

Would you like to know more?

If anything I've written in this blog post resonates with you and you'd like to discover more about this Sage 50cloud update, it may be a great idea to give me a call on 01604 261655 and let's see how I can help you.

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#Sage50cloud #NewVersion #Bookkeeping #Accounting #Training #UK

About Alison Mead ...


Alison loves bookkeeping and supporting bookkeepers. She has been helping clients to be better bookkeepers in Sage 50 for over 24 years and has been Xero Accredited in accounts and payroll for a number of years too.

She specialises in a very unique hand-holding method of training, helping bookkeepers and business owners to use their accounts software as and when they need support in setting up and producing their invoices, reports and financial information.

Alison combines her role at Silicon Bullet with her Forever Living network marketing businesses and is often to be seen at business networking meetings as she likes to keep busy.

You know what they say: if you want something done well ask a busy person!


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