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A highly experienced bookkeeping training and IT services team that will go the extra mile

Help! Hubdoc Went Wrong!

What an interesting day ...

POSTED BY ALISON MEAD ON 06/04/2020 @ 9:00AM

#IT #Xero #Sage #Training #UK

Today has been interesting. As you can now get Hubdoc included with your Standard or Premium subscriptions of Xero for free, I thought I better sit the course and get it set up with one of my clients ready to be able to train others ...

I made the mistakes with Hubdoc so you don't have to!

I made the mistakes with Hubdoc so you don't have to!

copyright: hubdoc / xero

If you're not aware, Hubdoc is a tool where you can upload invoices and expenses and then the details are automatically extracted for you rather then you needing to key them in manually. It can also be quite intelligent and you can set up options to treat invoices from certain suppliers in set ways, therefore greatly speeding up data entry into Xero.

"It's fabulous if you have lots of expenses or a high volume of invoices!"

Well - hay ho - you are only the expert if you have made the mistakes and that's pretty much what I did with setting up my first Hubdoc account. But now I have made the mistakes, so you don't have to!

  • Multiple Accounts - both myself and my client clicked on Hubdoc from the menu in Xero and we both set up new duplicate Hubdoc accounts and linked them to Xero; so we were looking at completely different companies.

    I knew my client had uploaded something, but I couldn't see it. Obviously, you only want one person in your organisation to set up the Hubdoc account, preferably someone with full permissions, then let them invite in the other users in your business.

  • User Permissions - somehow, the account I set up ended up associated with an admin email address at the client site, one that would normally have access to invoices only, but not full access.

    As Hubdoc saw this email as being a primary account holder for the business, it would not allow them to be added as a restricted 'upload only' account in Hubdoc on the correct account. We had to completely remove the duplicate account before we could add them into the correct account.

I had to follow a whole process, in a particular order, in order to delete the duplicate account then remove the admin user from having the highest permission levels in Hubdoc.

"It took a while to work out, and there was swearing!"

I also linked my Xero account to my Hubdoc account so that Hubdoc can download my invoices direct from Xero for me and I can then process them from inside Hubdoc itself. You can do this for a number of suppliers including EON and EE. It's great not having to log in and download invoices for all these companies.

However, I had a minor panic as I seemed to have got a notification of an attempted log in on Xero from Near Ashburn, Virginia, USA. A quick message to Xero support though was able to confirm that when sync is performed between Hubdoc and Xero, it's registered as a login to your account from near Ashburn, Virginia, United States.

"If you receive an email alerting you to a login from this IP address, click the 'This login was me' button!"

If you want to use Hubdoc and get stuck, let me know as I am now quite the expert. I can remotely log into your system and guide you through getting it all set up and show you how to use it. This is even more important right now as more and more people are home working.

Until next time ...

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#IT #Xero #Sage #Training #UK

About Alison Mead ...


Alison loves bookkeeping and supporting bookkeepers. She has been helping clients to be better bookkeepers in Sage 50 for over 24 years and has been Xero Accredited in accounts and payroll for a number of years too.

She specialises in a very unique hand-holding method of training, helping bookkeepers and business owners to use their accounts software as and when they need support in setting up and producing their invoices, reports and financial information.

Alison combines her role at Silicon Bullet with her Forever Living network marketing businesses and is often to be seen at business networking meetings as she likes to keep busy.

You know what they say: if you want something done well ask a busy person!


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