Bookkeeping Boost: How Are Your New Year's Resolutions Doing?

Take a moment and think of all the poor bookkeepers who always live January in a state of constant confusion ...

But many bookkeepers are working this month on those dreaded tax returns. Which means you still need to put 2019 on all your data entry in your accounts packages. It's always a bit mixed up for bookkeepers until the 31st January window is passed.

"So, why not make 2020 the year when you don't leave all your bookkeeping to the last minute?"

Get super organised so you can keep on top of your books as you go along. Whilst you are sorting out your books for the year-end to March 2019, why not get April to December 2019 done and dusted at the same time? Then set aside just an hour or two every month to look after your accounts as you go along in 2020.

I offer a Bookkeeping Boost session throughout January to guide you in creating processes to get your bookkeeping organised, so you can turn over a new leaf and keep on top of your books in 2020!

I know some of you will see it as a challenge to wait until the 31st January to get your tax return done, but imagine how fantastic you will feel this time next year if you tax return had already been submitted by December 24th and you could have had a fabulous and relaxing Christmas?

Just like we did at Silicon Bullet!

If anything I've written here resonates with you, call me on 01604 420057 and let's see how we can help you.